Nov 30, 2018
Listen to Episode 31: Fairness for First Nations
Today’s conversation is, I think, extremely important. We’re talking about life and death situations for First Nations people in Canada, and the precarious position that many indigenous people are in because of inadequate government services. You’ve probably...
Nov 30, 2018
In Canada, a sophisticated and prosperous first world country, there are whole communities living in third world conditions. Many First Nations people don't have adequate access to good health care, proper education, clean drinking water, and other government services. Thanks to strident advocacy, laws are in place to...
Nov 23, 2018
You've heard the statistics. Income inequality in the west is at its highest level in half a century. The three richest people are worth more than the poorest 48 countries in the world, combined. The top 1% of the world's population own 47% of the world's wealth. It goes on, and it is getting worse. But what are the...
Nov 16, 2018
Public art can make cities beautiful, inviting, inspiring and thought-provoking. It can bind communities together not just in what the art communicates, but in how it is made. Public art can even be controversial because of its content and the fact that government commonly foots the bill. However, what is art if...
Nov 9, 2018
In his acclaimed thriller, Butcher, Canadian playwright Nicolas Billon asks, how do we punish the unpunishable? How can there be true justice when everyone has their own take on what justice is and how it should be served? How can live theatre as an art form successfully pose such questions in our accelerating digital...